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الموضوع: للفصل والتوضيح حول اختصار كلمة gap

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  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل

    افتراضي للفصل والتوضيح حول اختصار كلمة gap

    تعقيبا لموضوع الاخ الهنادي راس مالي جزاه الله خير

    انقل لكم الحوار الذي دار بيني وبين الشركة ولكن باللغة الانجليزية

    بالمختصر المفيد،، كل الكلام الذي قيل عن الشركة غير صحيح وان اسم العلامة التجارية GAP هو ليس اختصار لأي من الاشياء المزعومة من قبل صغار العقول

    نص المراسلة

    اللي يحب يقرأ يبدأ من الاسفل الى الاعلى

    Dear Yusuf,

    Thank you for your inquiry. Gap stands for none of the things stated in your previous email. When the Gap was first established in 1969, it
    adopted its name from the phrase "generation gap," which was a popular term in the late sixties. For more information please visit

    If we may be of further assistance, please contact us via e-mail at


    Customer Service Consultant

    Dear Tiffany,
    Thanx for your speedy reply
    So I understand that your brand name of your organization is just a
    name? & it is not abbreviation for something? Such as the following:

    GAP = Gay And Proud ?
    GAP = Great And Proud?
    GAP = Gifts And Presents?

    I hope to find the final answer of these queries

    Once again, I appreciate your cooperation

    Best Regards,
    .................................................. ...
    Yusuf Al-Ghamdi

    Dear Yusuf,

    Thank you for your interest in learning how Gap obtained its name.
    When the Gap was first established in 1969, it adopted its name from the phrase "generation gap," which was a popular term in the late sixties.
    For more information on Gap ' s beginnings, please visit

    We hope you find this information helpful. We appreciate your
    enthusiasmfor Gap and look forward to shopping with you soon!

    If we may be of further assistance, our Customer Service Consultants are
    available 24 hours a day at custserv@gap.com or by calling


    Customer Service Consultant

    Dear GAP Team

    I wonder about your Brand Name GAP
    The word GAP stands for what?

    Because I have a strong argument with my friends about your complete
    right name of the Brand Name
    Kindly reply ASAP so we can stop this headache

    Your quick response will be high appreciated

    Best Regards,
    .................................................. ...
    Yusuf Al-Ghamdi
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة S.M.A.R.T ; 08-03-2009 الساعة 07:30 PM

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