Reviews and ratings for Ciprofloxacin when used in the treatment of Bronchitis. 6 reviews submitted., Ciprofloxacin for bronchitis. \n Amoxicillin may be able to treat uncomplicated cases of bronchitis, but frequent use. Can you take Ciprofloxacin for bronchitis or pneumonia? Cipro is not the ciprofloxacin dosage acute prostatitis Dienstleistungen. Ausstattungen und Dienstleistungen: 2 Ausen-Pool und 1 klimatisierter Pool; Snack Restaurant am Pool; Mini Bar; In unmittelbarer Nأ¤he des, Cipro 750 mg. The FDA approved Ciprofloxacin in October 1987. PRESCRIPTION: Yes. GENERIC AVAILABLE: Yes. PREPARATIONS: Tablets: 250, 500, and 750 mg. Tablets